Category Archives: MSN

Point of View: Microsoft Search Engine Bing

What is Bing?
Launched in early June, Bing is the latest search engine from Microsoft and represents the company’s latest attempt to gain market share on competitors Google and Yahoo. From a high level, Bing is essentially a combination of MSN Search and Live Search, re-formulated and rebranded as a stand-alone search engine (previous versions of [...]

Atlas now faces the Google Analytics Dilemma

Microsoft completed its acquisition of Aquantive yesterday, which among other things includes Atlas and its media management and tracking tools. It’ll be interesting to watch the reactions of Atlas customers.
Google Analytics receives a cold shoulder from a few large advertisers, on concerns that their tracking partner also happens to be their largest ad network. Some [...]

What is Social Media Optimization?

Social Media Optimization is a concept that is making its way into mainstream marketing publications. Social Media Optimization or SMO is a concept coined by Rohit Bhargava of Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide. In his 5 Rules of Social Media Optimization, Rohit explains that:
“The concept behind SMO is simple: implement changes to optimize a site so [...]

Who is clicking on your paid search ads, and what were they actually searching for?

Paid search is often touted as the perfect advertising medium, in which ads appear only for those individuals who are actually searching for the advertiser’s product right at that moment. However, while clever search engine technology goes a long way towards achieving this ideal, the “match made in heaven” of paid search depends on [...]

What is Personalized Search?

Put most simply, personalized search is the delivery of search engine results that are uniquely tailored to both keyphrases and individual searchers. For example, in the early days of search, everyone searching for the phrase “AMD” would get the same results, whether they were interested in silicone chips or semiconductors, or age-related macular degeneration. With [...]

Report from the Search Engine Strategies Conference in New York City

The search marketing space continues to grow by leaps and bounds, and if this year’s record crowds at Search Engine Strategies in New York are any indication, the search space will not be cooling down anytime soon. For those who could not attend here are some of the highlights from the conference from an organic [...]