Category Archives: Overture

Paid Search Q&A: How to Get the Best CPV

Here Tim Breen, Catalyst’s Director of Paid Search, addresses some frequently asked questions about Cost Per Visitor.
Q: What is the difference between Cost Per Visitor and Cost Per Click?
A: Many advertisers aren’t aware that there is a difference between Cost Per Visitor (CPV) and Cost Per Click (CPC). CPC is what you get charged by [...]

Overture’s Keyword Tool Says ‘No’ to Marijuana

I don’t think anyone would argue that fact that the Overture suggestion tool is probably not the most accurate or effective keyword suggestion tool on the market today. Besides the fact that it still displays search volumes from January 2007, the accuracy of the numbers have been called into question over and over again [...]

Search Matters Weekly Search = $array[]

Dust off the O’Reilly PHP manual and get ready for a linkdump(). Just add your own while{} to this, loop, output, rinse and repeat.

[0] => Blogs are the new Rolodex, baby. Boost your career with your blog network you tech savvy internet writer, you. (
[1] => Ripped from the headlines: How Law & Order, [...]

Paid Search: Are you getting your money’s worth?

The Search Engine Marketing Professional Organization (SEMPO) recently released its annual industry survey and it includes some truly remarkable findings. One such finding is that spending on paid search marketing was approximately $8 Billion (U.S.) in 2006 and that number is expected to double over the next five years. This is obviously a [...]